Guest/Visitor Policy

Guest/Visitor Policy

Members are responsible for any guests/visitors you bring into the makerspace.

This means:

  • Every guest/visitor needs to sign our Digital Liability Waiver form before they enter the space (link in our Member Portal on our website)

  • You must be on site with your guests at all times… no loaning out of key fobs

  • You are responsible for the behavior of your guests… they need to mind the social contract/Code of Conduct just like members

Tours: Random people dropping by “to check us out” is pretty common. We recommend that people come to our Open Build Nights (2nd, 3rd, 4th Wednesdays of each month between 7-9:00pm) or can schedule tours by emailing Members are not required to answer the door to give people tours, but giving a tour helps us build a friendly community. If you do choose to give someone a tour, please treat them as you would any guest/visitor, and accompany them until they leave the facility. Thank you!

Last updated