Information for Area Stewards

Some information for 3D printing Area Stewards and others maintaining the printers

  • Marlin firmware configurations for the printers, Raspberry Pi images for 3dPrinterOS, models for some of the printer-related printed components, and related information is stored in GitHub at ; this is a private repository, so if you don't have access, please ask in the #it channel on Slack.

  • The OS images used on the Raspberry Pis for the printers must be the ones from this repository, specifically the 3dPrinterOS Notes section. Not only are 3dPrinterOS Pi images tied to the user who generated them, but the password needed to perform initial configuration of the image and change settings/troubleshoot is randomly generated for each new image.

Adding/Removing Printers for General Membership Use

We have two "Workgroups" set up in 3dPrinterOS: "DM Members" and "DM Admins". If we have a printer that's experiencing issues, we can make it available only to DM Admins so that we can troubleshoot it as needed but general members can't run a print on a potentially-broken printer.

Each workgroup has printers assigned to it. To change the assignments:

  1. You must be an Organization Admin in 3dPrinterOS. If you're an area steward or DM employee and aren't an Admin, let one of the existing Admins know. Making someone an Org Admin is just a matter of an existing Org Admin logging in, going to the Users page of the Organization Admin section, and clicking the "Admin" checkbox for the appropriate user.

  2. Log in to 3dPrinterOS, click your name/email in the top right, and click Organization Admin on the dropdown menu.

  3. This should bring you to the Org Admin - Workgroups page.

  4. Click the "Manage" button to the right of the "DM Members" workgroup.

  5. On the resulting modal dialog, click the "Printers" tab.

  6. To enable access to a printer by the general membership, click the checkbox for the appropriate printer and then click "Save Selected Printers". To disable access by the general membership, uncheck the box for the printer and then click "Save Selected Printers".

If any Admins can't see a printer after disabling it, go back to the Workgroups page and click Manage for the "DM Admins" workgroup. Ensure that all Admins are in the group (this is manual) and that all printers are checked for the group.

Last updated