Signing up for 3dPrinterOS

How to sing up for 3dPrinterOS and get access to our printers

Decatur Makers now uses 3dPrinterOS to manage our printers. It's a cloud-based tool that's free (for you) to use, helps us keep track of how many prints are done and when problems occur, and lets you view your print progress via webcam from anywhere with an Internet connection!


  1. You must be at the space when you start a print! It is highly recommended that you keep an eye on your print until the first or second layer is done printing, as this is when most failures happen - and failed prints left running can damage the printers. In addition, the printers don't know if the last print is still on the bed; a human must confirm that the bed is clear and ready before starting a print.

  2. If you log in to 3dPrinterOS on one of the computers at the space, please make sure you log out when you're done!

All that's needed to get started is to sign up for a free account and then add our workgroup printers using the following instructions.

Last updated